Direct Technology Group Blog

Direct Technology Group provides professional IT Support and Network Services for Businesses around Deerfield Beach. Computer Services, Tech Support, IT Solutions and more!

4 Things You Can Do to Improve Security When You Work From Home

4 Things You Can Do to Improve Security When You Work From Home

Is your business prepared to handle the many challenges that come from remote work, chief among them security? If you aren’t, then the transition to remote or hybrid operations is going to be a rough one, to say the least. Let’s discuss how you can implement secure remote or hybrid work policies that are sure to protect your business now and in the future.

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Defining Hybrid Workplace Strategies

Defining Hybrid Workplace Strategies

If the pandemic has proven anything, it’s that companies need to be flexible in their operations, perhaps more so now than ever before. However, this flexibility has also led many to reconsider what the office of the future looks like. Companies are starting to ask how much space is truly necessary and whether or not they actually need an office to remain operational.

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Mixed Signals About Remote Work from Microsoft

Mixed Signals About Remote Work from Microsoft

Now that many of us have been working remotely for the past 18 months, what are your thoughts on the concept of a remote or hybrid office? Have your opinions changed at all, or are you still clinging to your previously conceived notions of what it would be like? It does not help that some major companies, like Microsoft, are sending out mixed signals on their own experiences with remote work. What can we learn from these experiences?

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4 Ways Your Business Can Prepare for Hybrid or Remote Operations

4 Ways Your Business Can Prepare for Hybrid or Remote Operations

The future can be unpredictable at best, especially in today’s times. You never know when your company will suffer from circumstances beyond your control, whether it’s a disaster that uproots your office or a pandemic that forces your entire workforce to transition to remote operations. Thankfully, even in today’s trying times, technology presents opportunities to overcome these challenges.

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Are Your Remote Workers Dealing with Communication Fatigue?

Are Your Remote Workers Dealing with Communication Fatigue?

For many, working from home has been an adventure. A lot of workers were moved off site during the pandemic and now, a year later, are just now settling into working from home and the new expectations that this brings. People just had no idea how their job would change over the time they are away from their office. Today, we take a look at communications fatigue and what your business can do to help your remote workers from feeling overwhelmed. 

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Tip of the Week: Basic Best Practices for Working from Home

Tip of the Week: Basic Best Practices for Working from Home

When it comes to ensuring your productivity when working from home, how you do that work matters—both in terms of the technology you put to use, and the habits you develop in order to be productive. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to help you on both fronts. That way, you’re even more likely to enjoy the optimum productivity that’s possible while working remotely.

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The Pandemic Has Brought Some Positive Progress

The Pandemic Has Brought Some Positive Progress

It is an unfortunate truth that not much can be said about the current pandemic that’s “positive.” Frankly, it’s hard to be positive, let alone laugh, despite how important it is that we are and do. We wanted to help fix that, so we’re sharing a few benefits of the situation we’re currently experiencing to take some well-earned comfort in.

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When Did Waving Become a Part of Business Meetings?

When Did Waving Become a Part of Business Meetings?

With so many businesses still relying on remote collaboration to keep their workers healthy and productive, video conferencing has become the norm. However, as this kind of communication has become more deeply incorporated into our lifestyles, new tendencies have arisen in how we communicate. Let’s delve into some of these developments.

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Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

While many people who were afforded the option have likely grown used to remote work at this point, that does not mean a business that adopts it can do so with complete impunity. One considerable issue that many remote workers have been experiencing is a sincere issue of overwork, believe it or not. Let’s examine why this is a problem, and how you can address it in your own business.

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